Over 2.1 billion yuan! Longyuan Group blooms at many points and good news is frequent

Time : 2021-05-11

Recently, Longyuan Group(Stock Code:six00four9one)triumphant news. All business segments of Longyuan ecology go hand in hand,Accumulated gain exceedstwenty-oneten0 million yuan project order。 Group successionBid winning: Maqiao Town, Minhang District, ShanghaininetyNumber(onefiveA-08)Plot projectHuiyin Fuwan project phase VI Construction Project of high-rise residenceNordic (Chinese) salmonRASPlant engineering of land-based aquaculture project (phase I)Poly Real Estate Lianyungang Haizhou District time impression garden project bid section I general contracting project, jointWinning the bid of athlete training base in Rizhao Economic and Technological Development ZoneEPCproject共五个传统施工project。与At the same time, many member units such as Xin'an curtain wall, long Yuantian book and Hangzhou urban investment and construction also successively received the good news of winning the bid.

一直以来,永利总站62111集团都注重传统project长期cooperation伙伴的拓展与维护,在与战略cooperation伙伴Huiyin groupcooperation江南富湾project一期toPhase VAfter that, Longyuan continued to win the bid该project高层住宅六期建设project。 In addition,厂房园区类projectalsoIt is a main competitive point of Longyuan in the traditional plate: except for the bid winnerNordic (Chinese) salmonRASPlant engineering of land-based aquaculture project (phase I)Outer set团先后承建了沃尔沃、巴斯夫、宜家多地的厂房projectLocated in ShanghaiESR青浦物流projectalso在积极建设中。It is worth mentioning that,永利总站62111集团联合利伟建设集团有限公司、青岛腾远设计事务所有限公司Winning the bid of athlete training base in Rizhao Economic and Technological Development ZoneEPCproject,该project位于山东省日照市,总规划面积nineteen point three oneten000 square meters, contract amounttwelve point two sevenRMBten0mn

20twenty-oneSince, the group has a good momentum of undertaking business. According to the group《20twenty-oneAccording to the announcement of the first quarter of 20onefour, the group's new business volume in the first quarterforty point two fiveRMBten0mn,较上年同比增长sixsix.92%。 endfivemonthtenThe total amount of business undertaken by the group has exceededseventyRMBten0mn。集团持续推进传统施工建设业务基本面,这五个中标project中,房产类projectthree个、园区厂房和学校project各one个,非民营investment主体project占比six0%。 In the future, the group will continue to strengthen and consolidate the competitiveness of traditional construction business with the implementation strength of general contracting as the core, deeply tap the potential of existing advantageous business areas and look for potential incremental markets.


Professional curtain wall system supplier——Shanghai Xin'an curtain wall architectural decoration Co., Ltdfourmonth底中标恒瑞南京创新药物临床研究及医学转化中心project(一期)。该project是一所肿瘤专科医院,总建筑面积2six10000 square meters, the successful contract amount of curtain wall systemone.2RMBten0mn,这also是信安幕墙与恒瑞医药集团携手cooperation的第二个project。

Shanghai longyuantiance Enterprise Development Co., Ltdfourmonththree0日中标江苏省如皋市《长江镇产业链分析和招商引资方向研究报告》project。作为专业的产业operate商,永利总站62111天册将重新解读当地产业和经济发展趋势,发挥自身专业及资源优势,通过对当地的产业发展基础及环境分析、产业链的深度剖析、产业规划的深度提炼,结合当地产业及企业发展战略,明确长江镇产业招商定位,进行重点招商客群分析,编制如皋市长江镇产业链分析和招商引资方向研究报告。

fourmonth底to今,杭州城投建设有限公司连中三元,先后中标亚运场馆及北支江综合整治工程PPPproject、杭州深奇科技有限公司银湖one2Reconstruction of old residential area in Jiangshan City20twenty-one年度project的全过程工程咨询服务,作为行业生力军在全过程工程咨询市场初现锋芒,充分彰显出企业进一步加快转型升级的坚定决心。

In the development process of transformation and upgrading of the group, the group prospectively enriched Longyuan ecology, supplemented the ecological weakness and improved the ecological matrix. Through the mutual coordination and organic unity of business segments, it has formed an all-round competitiveness in industrial layout, brand, construction and risk control. In the future, the group will be determined, capable and cohesive toProduct and service concept innovation+investment+operate, comprehensively build differentiated core competitiveness in future urban development fields, including urban renewal.